
Photography & video by Jeremy Jeziorski

Things with Wings

The highlight of our current apartment is by far the 383-square-foot fenced yard in back. Finally, some space in which to let the cats stretch their legs…


…to grow things again…


…to recruit another squirrel army…


…and, (more to the point of the headline) to feed birds and stuff.

Back in the before times, having a job and commuting meant it was difficult to plan out a specific shot of our hummingbird friends, angle the blinds just right to hide myself sans reflection, with the lens and exposure just the way I want it, rock my torso to get the slice of depth of field about where I think the bird will pause between sips, and wait in place during the 17-minute window on just the right handful of calendar days where the sun dips low and wide enough to send a narrow shaft of warm light under our gutters to hit the bird and feeder and not hit our neighbor’s place, while it DOES paint some soft pastel tones on the apartment complex way off diagonally across the street.

The pandemic taketh, and the pandemic giveth:


We get all sorts of winged visitors. Here are a few recents:


Lots of dragonfly and dragonfly-esque creatures:


Many of these are available as prints over at my store:


Have a great week.


Listen: The Team Deakins Podcast. (available on all the platforms, I think) If you’re remotely into film-making, it’s just delightful.

Read: Consider the Lobster: And Other Essays by David Foster Wallace. I finally finished it, and highly recommend the audio book, as it was read by the late Wallace himself.

Watch: Dark on Netflix. A German show with some time-travel twists at its center. They just released the third and final season, so there’s no waiting if you JUST CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT HOW IT ENDS.

Donate: Tip the next delivery driver / stylist / server you interact with, like, WAAAAYYYYYYY more than you would have four months ago. Don’t hold back. The sky’s the limit.